Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Chevvy pickup

Woke up this morning to the echoing memory of my cleaner saying "Suuuuuuue!, there's no room in the spare bedroom anymore for my tiny, tiny little vacuum cleaner"

As I glanced through the door I noticed that in truth it was full of camera equipment and a softbox the size of a small Tuscan village. So before breakfast even, I cleared it out of mainly old photo albums and shoes I hadn't worn in years.

Mission accomplished, it was then off to Farringdon in search of printer cartridges, on the way spotting this fantastic orange Chevrolet, sitting frowning slightly in the sunshine.

The journey took three hours in the end, with a stop off in the Guardian Print Room to play with their picture editing software. I thought it would be a good idea to brush up as I'm currently targeting their picture editor for work.

Back home to print and revamp my book and I get a call from James Charles to shoot a woman learning to ride a moped in Dalston tomorrow... yippeee!. Should be good fun.

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