More Than Words


Knock Knock, Who's There?

I think my partner deserves a round of applause for listening to about 200 'jokes' recited by my children this afternoon. We gave Adrian some joke books for Xmas, hoping he would read more, but may live to regret the decision! It reminded me of when Alex, our eldest, went into the school's end of year talent competition a few years ago. Children were furiously practicing their routines hoping for fame at he end of term. Alex and a friend, both knee high to a grasshopper, decided at the last minute to enter the competition telling their knock-knock jokes. They looked tiny up on the stage, and because of their short stature, most of the school thought they were kindergarten children. With their simple routine, they stole the show and brought the house down. They were awarded the Wilkins Idol award (Wilkins being the name of the school). There was fury amongst some of the older children who felt their ABBA/Coldplay/Michael Jackson performances were much more polished and deserving of an award. This is a sample. Knock knock, who's there? Cargo, cargo who? Car go beep beep!!!!!!! How bad is that!!

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