Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Back to halls...

I felt my last service today at my home church for a while was very appropriate as it was on the theme of 'hopes and fears'. I was asked to say a prayer in front of the congregation so decided to share the uncertainty of what's to come this semester and even at the end of my course. It's great that I have a close personal God that I can share all the good things and bad things with (Phillipians 4:6) and know that he will be with me every day.

It's nice to be back in Glasgow now. I arrived this afternoon to find three of my flatmates, all studying pharmacy, cramming for their chemistry exam tomorrow. I had barely arrived when they started asking me questions because apparantly as the chemistry student "I'm the expert". I tried my best to help and I hope they do well tomorrow. Surprisingly, I have finished unpacking already and looking forward to being tucked up in bed with Shaun my hot water bottle that I forgot to take home with me!

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