Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Bad things come in threes, fours.... fives??

Lots of bumps today :-( Starting early, with a proper head butt for me from 'lovely' no.2 son.) There followed a fall in a drain, a face-smash with my camera and a face-down on the tarmac... all for no.2 son. Then a collision with a Sainsbury's Local bollard (by me not the car). A face down on the kitchen floor (no.2 son) and one final big wallop on the corner of the kitchen work surface for....... guess who? .... ME (whilst trying to retrieve no.1 son's slippers) Boo boo hiss

Time for a lie down. In a padded room :-)

PS Funnily enough, this shot did not result in injury! (except to my pride, given how blurry it is!)

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