A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Daimonic Reality

(The water looks grainy because I was advised to add milk. I don't have any milk so I added milk powder which didn't dissolve. D'oh.)

I, like many people here I am sure - own some books that I have never read. I have made a resolution this year to read them and have started with a book called Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur. It is a book well known in Fortean circles as offering an interesting perspective on paranormal phenomena such as UFOs and ghosts. It is also known for being slightly hard work and this is the reason why I have not yet read it. It seems a bit easier on this, my third attempt! I am going to read a chapter a day.

This sort of topic used to be greatly discussed on the now sadly defunct message board I used to inhabit. The reason why one person would see an alien spaceship and the person standing next to them would see a witch is endlessly fascinating and links into something that I always wondered as a child. Do you see what I see? If I looked through your eyes would the world look completely different with all the colours reversed? It is well known in the law courts that four different witnesses to something will have seen four different things.

When I was very young I used to think that the stars were stuck on to the sky on strings with blue tack in the same way my brothers model aircraft were stuck to his ceiling. I could even see the strings. I can't now of course but did I only see the strings because I expected them to be there?

I could pontificate on this stuff for hours...

55mm f22

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