Meeting the neighbours
Our neighbour's cat has obviously figured out that we've moved in now, and is obviously looking to add us to her circuit of meal providers: she apparently has a meal in each house, and a different name in each one too. With two allergic folk in the house, she was mostly called 'go away' round here.
Random unspecified feeling rubbish had me scurrying back to bed this morning for an extra hour or so. Conor said he was feeling 'a bit down', so maybe that's all that's up with me too. The weather (rain) wasn't helping. Next week is forecast for sunny weather, if cold, so hopefully I'll get out in the garden. The afternoon was spent helping Mr B plasterboard a ceiling. My arms now very much hurt - it's heavy stuff. Later many hours were invested in making a stew (my version of Navarin d'Agneau) which seemed a good use of time. The kids made magic potions in the rain on the front step. I'm sure our neighbours think we're really cruel as our kids are out in all weathers - but it is, mostly, their choice. Conor is a little disappointed to discover that his wand (Christmas present) was broken in a dropping-on-the-floor incident in London, but it is still mostly in one piece, and I did make him a spare wand the other day when I was clearing the garden (from elder wood, so clearly the most powerful wand in the world - as any Harry Potter fan will know).
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