o' happy day...

...to everyone who stopped by for my 500th blip

and a special flower for you - with a little heart - can you see it? that's from me to you... a thankful heart because:

...you left uplifting comments for me - thank you very much!

...i made it to spotlight - the top of spotlight i might add - how cool is that? another thank you - for without you it wouldn't have happened at all!

...i realized it really is the little things we do for each other - every day - that make a difference in our lives... a kind word - a thoughtful gesture... a meaningful glance...

it doesn't have to cost us anything - but a moment in time - a simple moment - to make a difference...

which is what happened for me yesterday - by all the people who stopped by my journal to take a look and/or leave a comment - for me... i felt so blessed - so special - and almost giddy. it's so worth the investment in each other - that we take those moments... 'cuz it always leads to...


happy day.....

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