...Froggy went a courting......

There are lots of strange objects in our house....this is one of them...a carved frog....with a stick in it's mouth.....if you take the stick out and run it up and down the ridges on the frog's back it makes the noise of a courting frog! The Boss bought it several years ago at Christmas....now neither of us can remember why we bought it.....apart from the fact it makes a nice noise....maybe we thought we could use it to attract frogs to our pond.

Thinking about the surreal I often get asked strange questions by my fishing buddies...usually to do with the sex life of various animals...usually in the middle of conversations that have no link to the question that gets asked.

Today was an example. Hebs will like this story as she has heard a few absolute belters from me including the one about the guy who was suffering from "marital problems" who regaled us for over two hours, during a match, across a small lake, with graphic descriptions of the devices and methods he had to use to perform his "husbandly duties"!

Today a converstaiuon started about tomorrow's fishing and the fact that the weather is forcast windy. Wind makes it very difficult to hold on to 14m of fishing pole, so many of us resort to a method known as "The Tip". A tip rod has a soft end which is used to indicate bites. It's quite simple really, cast out, tighten up the line and the end of the rod bends slightly.....if a fish takes the bait the end either bends more or straightens up....but obviously windy days make the tip move around so it can be quite difficult to spot bites.

Somehow the conversation swithched to viagra...the boys wanted me to explain how it works! Halfway through the explanation a smile spread across Sam's face. Sam is always trying to invent things or methods to make fishing easier...sometimes we think he's convinced he's going to invent something and make a fortune from it...but he isn't...most of his ideas are stupid or totally impractical. But the topped himself today!

The idea went something like this:
Take a viagra a few hours before you go fishing.
Attach the fishing line to the end of your "todger" ( Sam's word).
Throw the baited line as far out into the water as you can.
Wait for a bite.
The line will pull on your todger and you can pull the fish in!

Sam reckons this idea is a winner, you keep your hands free for eating butties etc, the wind won't blow it about, you could even doze off and be woken up by the pull.

Strangely enough the rest of the boys didn't do what I did....call him a pillock...they carefully pointed out all the pitfalls ....not least of which was that if a big fish took the bait and ran with it......it could be qite painful.

I bet no-one had a stranger conversation today!

I bet Sam doesn't turn up to fish like that tomorrow either.....if he does I'm coming straight home and never going fishing again.

I'll let you know.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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