Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Un petit pois en pointe.

Farm fresh when viewed large.

It took hours to get the pins to balance, hopefully the result is worth it.

I had to give up ballet lessons due to eyesight problems, nobody could look at me in a pair of tights. Ruined my prospects, cost me loads in tissues and rolled up socks. Never mind, they do keep me warm in winter.

Ballet is an art form that I do have problems with; I accept that there is an incredible amount of skill, knowledge, dedication and fitness required, however there isn't the immediate intimacy of a front row. I mean the front row of a scrum, not the RSC.

On that note I shall leave you with a mental image to spoil your next meal. Nah, you'll have to wait, the tension should be unbearable, as will the image.

Apologies for my execrable French.

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