My Life in 2012

By Jennay


How often do we wait? You wait for several minor things such as the in line for a movie, your popcorn to stop popping or for instance the mail which is shown above. I have come to the realization today that every day Im always waiting for something else to occur.

I wake up, go to school and wait for class to begin. After class, I wait for lunch. After lunch I wait for the day to be over. And now as I sit here and write this journal entry, I wait for a phone call, and to go to bed to wait for tomorrow to begin. I mean, now that I think about it, when you sleep, you're only waiting for a new day. Is there every a point in life when we are not in anticipation? Is there every moment when we are completely satisfied and we aren't selfishly needing something to happen next? What is the point of waiting? To wait again? What kind of life is that to live? Why suffer to this disgusting cycle when could be enjoying the gifts we have received's sick and I'm disappointed in myself for never living in the moment. I've been stuck on the ideas of the future rather than being present and accepting to what I have right this moment.

Well, there is a very important lesson to be learned here. Waiting only becomes a habit. We are bored creatures and crave for more excitement rather than making excitement of what we already have. I'm going to start to live in the moment only because waiting is a sick game that will no long consume me.

And now, I'm going to enjoy my night. And just allow tomorrow to happen rather than anticipate it

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