Evergreen's World

By Evergreengirl

UFO: UnFinished Object

One of my "sort of" resolutions for 2012 is to get back to some other interests. Things have quite literally gotten shoved into the back of the closet over the last couple of years while I've been obsessed with photography. I bought this needlework kit to take along on a long trip in our motorhome to the Southwest one winter. I got as far as getting the canvas stretched on the frame and that was that. It's time to resurrect it.

I love the rhythm of hand work of any sort, and its portability and the pleasure of feeling the materials in my hands. Posting this shot will hopefully motivate me to get going. Maybe by the end of the year I'll have a shot of the finished piece - a big hydrangea bloom - to show off. With any luck, it will be a pillow for the living room couch. Without any luck it may still be a UFO.

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