Back on Track

Princes Street, Edinburgh, 5pm. It's a sorry sight just now with the Christmas Fair being dismantled and the never-ending tram-works. Still, it means I can stand in the middle of the road and take photos.

Back to work today by bus, bike and train and foot. When I got to Edinburgh, I couldn't find my bike and so although I didn't remember doing it I reckoned I probably left it in the bike-shed at work prior to some after-work-festivities. After walking to work I found that the bike-shed (a very large shed it has to be said) was closed due to 'Elf and Safety after bits of the roof below off on Tuesday. So, I couldn't check whether my bike was there. Sigh.

Then mysteriously I did a just-in-case check back at the station - and there it was. I am certain I checked that precise spot this morning. Oh, well. Oiled the chain, checked the lock and left it for next time.

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