Sun yaaaay!

Today was not only dry but sunny too! yaaaaay
Managed to get the doggies out for a good long forrest trail plod.
However it is now raining as I write!

Took the Lab to the vets for her 6 months check up and she is fine I also got her chipped while I was there. Met John from Furnace and he tells me they won't have the leccy power on till next Tuesday and someone else said her mother was being sent to the local hotel for dinner courtesy of the power company!

Trying to get back to normal after the festive season and slowly getting there. Back to work on Monday. Got a haircut so I will be looking my best for myself when I start back, given that I work from home that may sound a bit daft but the dogs see me so I must be looking my best!

Have a good blip all

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