
Back to the rain today, drove to Oban to the big pet store to stock up on a particular type of doggy food and the entire place was either flooded or had fallen trees ! Who is tinkering with our weather? I saw this in a James Bond film once so it must be true!
Hubby bought yet another electric saw, when I asked him how many was that he had he said he had one big one, and one small one and this would be an in betweeny one! struth how many bloody saws does a bloke need? and the garden is still littered with wood so maybe he can now get his in betweeny saw to cut the damn stuff!
He doesnt want to get a cage for the dogs he says so is now busy plotting plan E or F, I think now its a personal thing between him and the dogs! Watch this space because so far the dogs are winning!
Now I am told our house on the island is missing slates and water is getting in so more bloody money to pay to get that fixed, honestly its never ending. If I had my way I would sell the damn place! but can't cause its the "family home" well the family havnt lived there since pussy was a cat! Grrrrrand besides its bugger all to do with them its our home one of three; my folks house in Glasgow, our own on the island and the one we live in on the mainland. Time we retired me thinks!

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