
2years 76days

.... both our visit to the gorgeous Cheeky Girls and family, and Katie this morning when they all had the Wiggles on. Here she is dancing extremely energetically to Wiggly Wiggly Christmas. How she had any energy this morning, I dont know. The little tinker spent lots of the night wide awake. Thanks in large part to her teeth.

The children got to play together for a nice while this morning, although for all of them, getting dressed was a gradual process, mingled in with many books, kitchen play, doll pushing and Wiggle dancing, a bit of photo posing by Lyra. Katie was rather sad when the playing came to an end and the goodbyes began.

I'd feared she'd be sick of trains - she said a few times yesterday "no go on train", but today she was great. She was very bouncy for the first two trains, had a Starbucks of her own after the first one, went to say hello to the lego tree again before we got on our final "big train" that would take us (basically) to home. Once we got on that one, she wanted to snuggle down. I wrapped her in a gorgeous quilt we were gifted and within 2minutes of me sitting down, she was fast asleep in my arms.

She slept an hour nearly, I managed 15minutes and we then had a bit of an explore of the train. Turns out a refreshment carriage can provide 20minutes of free entertainment. The drink that then ended the entertainment session was definitely not free, but occupied Katie for a further 20minutes. She did her sticker book for a long time and was pretty much a good girl. Didnt want her boots on when we got off, but that was the only wobble.

I put her in the car, and she had convinced herself she was going to see Bobbobs. She was not that amused when she realised gymnastics wasnt going to happen today, however much she asked! We got a few essentials from the shop before we came home, where she was played with almost every toy she owns, one after the other.

We have had such a fantastic couple of days. Thankyou, Lyra and Ellie for loving my Katie so much, and Pooky & Tom, thank you for being such fabulous hosts and wonderful company.

(I have backblipped the last 2 days)

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