Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

Resolution no. 1 to live to see the most of 2012

After a pretty impressive New Year whereby another She-Bang was clumsily orchestrated and remarkably pulled off with aplomb; we headed back down the road to Aberdeen on the 2nd, to pick up the chicas from the accommodating grandparents.

In order to get back in time for Andy to get to work, we decided an early offing was in order this morning. We loaded the car with all the things I had decided to rescue from my folks house, including a violin, a pink electric guitar and my old work jotters from primary 1 onwards,f and the family Watson hit the road in complete oblivion of the 'extreme weather conditions' we were to meet on the way back to Edinburgh.

Yup, the Bawbag had returned 'bigger and hairier' than before. We were actually very fortunate that we made it back completely unscathed but my eyes are still puffy from my silent, yet perpetual weeping and my non-nailed finger tips are swollen and sensitive as I wince/type this

I believe Andy actually found the journey exhilarating and delighted in my remonstrating, but I couldn't help but silently pray and cling onto the seat every time we passed an articulated lorry that appeared to bow towards us in a menacing fashion.

To be honest, the worst we really encountered was this and a few other fallen trees, a few instances of the car being momentarily 'in flight' and a few 'crisp bags' that Andy delighted in pointing out. It wasn't quite the beginning of the Wizard of Oz, that it looked like it had been when we returned to our somewhat damaged house.

I felt like kissing the ground however, and all those predictable 'lose weight, get fitter, be a better mummy, have more patience, have more sex with my husband' resolutions seemed to pale in comparison with the overriding wish for the family to live to see the rest of 2012...

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