Through the trees
The year didn't get off to a very good start - as Laura was recovering from her bout of sickness, she came down with the cold Roger developed over Christmas, then I came down with it. Our elder daughter also came down with it once she had returned to Houston, and she has since passed it on to her husband so its doing the rounds! Whilst still not feeling great, Laura did go out with her friends to see the New Year in, with Roger "on call" in case she needed picking up early - but she made it through OK. I, on the other hand, spent the day curled up on the sofa under my afghan, didnt feel like eating any dinner, and finally gave up and went to bed about 10pm - I guess we'll have to drink the bubbly another time! Yesterday I felt considerably better, though lacking appetite and energy, and ventured out in the evening to see the movie The Descendants with Roger and Laura. Hardly having been out of the house for two days, I decided to brave the cold, and bitter wind this morning and went walking with Roger at Glenwood Gardens. There weren't many people out braving the elements - just a few dog-walkers. Afterwards, I felt I had worked up an appetite so we went to get a gyro from the European Cafe in Montgomery. This evening, however, having cooked a meal, I could only eat half of it - not like me at all! We're supposed to have another very cold day tomorrow, then the temperatures begin to rise and by the end of the week be back in the low 50s - definitely not normal January weather in Cincinnati - but Ill take it!
One year ago: Houston skyline
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