All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


For the first time in ages, Ethan slept till 7 something - I didn't hear him till 7.20am but Aunty Judith said she'd heard him muttering to himself for a wee while prior to that, mainly saying "ooh it's dark"!

Foreveryoung and Eden came over mid morning and then we all headed to Overboard soft play. Ethan hasn't been to soft play since October and was so much more confident on the big frame. Not that he wasn't confident before now but it's the first time he was happy going on it by himself, even though it's for 4 years +, and he negotiated sections of it he couldn't manage before.

We had lunch there too and he sat so nicely in the highchair while he demolished it. Mind you , chips and beans followed by carrot cake is probably more of a temptation to stay put that what I usually serve up!

The kids then played nicely together back at my house before Foreveryoung and Eden headed home after dinner.

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