One of 365

By Allan46

My racket from 1969

In 1969 I went to London to work and play tennis.

I have been lucky in that Dunlop supported me in those days with tennis rackets, for which I am forever thankful...they are just great rackets and have always been, I will never play with anything else.

This rackets is one I used in 1969 and gave to a friend when I was finished with it. He returned it to me only 5 years ago, some 40 plus years later and in perfect condition. I found an old racket press and have it hanging above my desk in my study.

Having watched the Hopman Cup tennis today, and having no time to get out and take a photo for my blip, it became obvious that this was a good shot to try and take.

Rackets have changed so much I cant imagine how some of the modern players would play with these older ones, more to the point I cant imagine how these rackets would last for very long the way the modern players hit the ball so hard.

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