Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

New Year and there were fireworks.

One of the best new years nights I have had in a while :)

We stayed in and both had a few tipples...it has been a good few years since that happened as one of us is normally driving....lets be honest ....I always drive at New Years. Some friends came round and we let off fireworks in the garden on the run up to 12'o clock so this is the latest shot blip I will probably ever upload.

Some of the the fireworks were a little lacking in the "bang " department but it was great fun.

The day did not start auspiciously as baby S was full of cold and what I suspect is the start of another bout of bronchiolitis. I went to one urgent care clinic which entailed a wait of 14 people and up to four hours. I went to another one which ran a triage system so was seen in an hour. The nurse would not give me steroids as he was not bad enough.? We are operating on amber alert with him now so was up in the night checking his colour and to be fair he seems a little better today so fingers crossed she was right. Daughters tooth abscess has responded fantastically to the extra strength antibiotics and is on the retreat.

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