Ready to Party

2years 71days

We had a very early start from Little Miss Moo, aided largely by a coughing fit and an accident. So we were up at 5am, as was Grandad. But it was nice to not rush the start to the morning.

We went to meet a friend and her little one at Little Hoppers, a play centre near Scarborough. The children played for 2 1/2 hours! They did really well and had a lot of fun together. At one point, without a word, Katie tootled off to the baby area, I thought. I followed behind her and she'd run beyond that. She'd taken herself into the girls' toilet (the hot pink one!), got her trousers and pants down in the time it took me to catch her. Katie liked the makeshift bouncy castle - exercise balls covered with a tough plastic sheeting. It was lovely to catch up with Oscar and his mum.

When we left, I bought some quick lunch as I suspected she'd fall asleep, which she did, before she'd finished actually. It fell out of her hand as her head nodded. We were heading for our home, for the first time properly since Christmas Eve. When we got home, she wanted to play in the car a while before she came in.

We've been to a party with friends this evening. Lots of families, all with young children, so lots of fun. Very relaxed. It has been a very special evening. Katie battled on and on and on. I asked her a few times "shall we put jammies on and go home". "No" would be the reply. But then about 9.30, I said "time for jammies and our house". She said "No, dont want it" then looked down at her jammies and said "I want jammies, bedtime pants and our house". She was asleep before I had my own seatbelt on.

I entered 2011 with huge anticipation, excitement for a fresh start, eager for new things that were coming. It's not let me down. It's brought so very very very many precious memories. It's brought some hard times, and today I nearly got pulled to focussing on that. But to do that would take away from what is an overwhelming amount of good times, love, fun and smiles. So much fun, so much love.

Happy New Year, Blipland. Lets hope it brings good things.

Today's shot is for Lauri - Happy Birthday, lovely lady xxx

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