2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Burglar 0 - M-in-law 1

Got up early and loaded car with cleaning stuff, tools, new window locks, sleeping bags and lots of other stuff. Journey back up the M1 was a bit nerve wracking as we still didn't know quite what we were going to find when we got back to M-in-law's house.

As it was, things were not too bad. Silvery fingerprint powder on windows and doors and on the whisky bottle on the table, muddy footprints on the floors, but not too much damage. Nothing extra discovered to be missing.

One lovely coup was that the collection money for the local air ambulance that M-in-law looks after for the Garden Club had not been found. M-in-law could not remember if she'd hidden it in her usual place. She had and we all felt very pleased that she'd outwitted the intruder.

We cleaned, hoovered, disinfected and fitted new window and door locks and sorted out timers for some lamps. Even at the end of the day, we still hadn't found anything else missing. If you are going to be broken into, there's some consolation that it is done by a professional!

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