Friday Foto

By drmackem

Going with the flow

Read a bit of Christmas photo book last night, fell asleep.

Introducing me to the notion of Golden section proportions i was hanging on in there til the book came on all over mathmatical.
So for those of you who are interested

a+b/a = a/b
the ratio, denoted by phi is an irrational number with the value
phi=1/2(1+squareroot5) = 1.6118033989

it's enough to make you point and shoot (not necessary with a camera), then the text came on all over fibonacci.
I read it a few times then fell asleep, non the wiser.

This morning I woke early, having secumbbed to fibonacci induced sleep early, and was treated to a fine sunrise. Decided to play with a vertical frame for a few days. I wandered down the garden path to take this, with nothing on my feet, they froze to the ground as I stood. See how I suffer for my art, I hope it's appreciated. Photography used to be such a simple thing for me....

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