
By CharChar

Ice ice baby

Today I have arrived in London with Claire and Millie (Millie is the one in the pic with me)!

Once arriving in London we dropped our stuff at the hotel and went for lunch in Giraffe it was really nice and the cocktails were amazing! After lunch we went to watch the theatre show wicked and it was wicked! Really enjoyed it and will never see the wizard of oz in the same way again!!

After the theatre back to the hotel for a well earned nap before our night out in London!

Once we were already we headed to the Ice bar, it was freezing believe it or not! We had a 40 min time slot in there which was plenty of time in those temperatures! After the ice bar we headed to Leicester square and ended up in the club tiger tiger had some great tunes and met some interesting people! We realised we hadn't eat since lunch so on way back to the hotel stopped at KFC at 3am in the morn it tasted amazing!!

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