
By CharChar

The game of life

Today I had a lovely lie in and then got up and went round Gemz!

We had a nice boxing day walk into Wollaston stoping to stroke the Shetland ponies on the way! When we arrived we went for a well deserved drink in the pub baileys for me :)

We then went to merry hill fancy dress costume shopping for NYE no success! Then off to the Lyttleton to collect Claire's NYE tickets and she twisted our arms to go in for a drink! Omg so glad I did the men who work there are beautiful!

Back to Gemz then where her Mom had done us real chips for tea was very yummy! Followed by a game of the game of life which Claire won because she had about 300 kids and when you cash them in at the end there worth loads!

That's my boxing day :)

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