What did I see today...?

By DaveR

View 101

I can't count the number of times I've seen this view - it's the common ground behind the bus stop that used to take me into school, into town - just about anywhere that led out of the village began with a wait around here.

This is taken in Nor' Lye, a small village near Witney (yep, that one, damn you Cameron!), where my parents moved us into in '95 and where they have been since, officially the longest in any one place that I can remember. The village's windmill was used as an observation post during World War Two and so the interior fell into disrepair as the cap on top was removed. It was re-capped in the 80's, but the owners of the mill refused to add new sails and still won't despite the council asking repeatedly for them to (apparently the old ones are still inside as well, rotting away).

Tomorrow (today, even!) it's off to our annual New Year celebrations with friends and family and so I'm out of internet for a few days, there'll be a host of back-Blipping to be done when I get back.

So in advance, all the best for 2012!

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