
Firstly, thanks for all your feedback on yesterdays blip, its always much appreciated.

We went bike riding (little people bike riding) down on Oriental Bay, then to a local cafe for lunch....very nice.

After lunch, Doug & I went to Zealandia (new name) used to be called the Kauri Wildlife Sanctuary (a name I much prefer).A predator-proof fence surrounds the beautiful 225ha (550 acre) eco-sanctuary of beautiful native bush, with stunning views . www.visitzealandia.com

Some info if you are interested in this reptile (taken from their website)

A reptile with distinctive soft spines down its backbone. Males can grow up to 60cm in length.

Known for being old - these 'living fossils' can live for over 100 years and date from dinosaur days!

Although they can make a croaking noise, tuatara mainly use body language to communicate.

Were extinct from the mainland since the late 1700s until they were released into ZEALANDIA in 2005. A total of 200 have been transferred. Evidence of breeding was recorded in November 2007 and the first hatchling was spotted in March 2009 - an extremely significant breakthrough in the restoration of this species on the mainland.


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