It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

My New Porlex

If you follow my blip you'll know that I am a bit of a coffee geek. A frustration at work has been that I have had to use pre-ground coffee which tends to lose it's taste within a day of opening the packet. Solution.....a hand grinder for the office. Rosemary's dad bought me this for Xmas and I also got an aeropress so I'm totally set up now.

The Porlex is a Japanese ceramic burr grinder originally designed for green tea but it's also a favourite travel/office grinder for coffee geeks throughout the world. Grind quality is meant to be close to a commercial grinder like a Mazzer. Although I need to adjust it to get my grind just right, my first two cups of aeropress have been very promising.

I'm off to do a 20km walk in the Peak District (where I live) tomorrow so that's quite exciting. Hopefully it's good light so that I get a quality blip.

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