It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Windy Walk

I took loads of photos today but I liked the colours in this one. Rosemary and I went out a circular walk from Glossop, up through Doctors Gate (near Snake Pass), round towards Torside and then back into Glossop.

The pic is taken towards Bleaklow Head, a desolate moorland peat boggy area criss-crossed by hundreds of wee streams. These planks were placed on the "footpath" to make it possible to cross the moorland. I only fell once and got knee deep in deep saturated peat once too.

I really enjoyed the walk, especially with the tailwind but it got pretty cold and wild heading back into it. We did just over 20km in total but couldn't put our feet up when we got home as we had friends staying. Needless to say....I was ready for my bed in the evening.

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