Jigsaw time

The unseen sun is beginning to set as we have tea and cake at jigsaw time. I am feeling much better but Helena is going the other way sadly.

I tried to shoot this with just the ambient light and the electric lamp in the background. I'd to set the camera up about six foot high on my tripod and used Liveview with manual focus.

I must rush now as Helena wants me to have a go at a particular part of the jigsaw, which was started last night. She has been at it longer than I have and I haven't quite got in the mood yet. I'm sure it won't take long.

It has been a classic post-christmas time, with much lolling on sofas, in bed or in a bath, and reading of good books, between bouts of eating and drinking. My interesting read today is 'Bringing it all back home' by Ian Clayton, which is getting better and better. If I don't do the jigsaw for long, it will be so that I can get back to my book.

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