Iconic Australia

I arrived in Melbourne at about midnight. By the time Teacherlady picked me up, we found our hotel and then we found some food, it was getting pretty late. We managed to gt in about 3 hours of nap time before we had to be up and ready to start the day by 5.30.

The first thing to do was to deliver her car to the railway station where they put it on a car carrier to rail it to Adelaide. We hung around til 8 and then found out seats on the train. Ten and a half hours later we arrived in Adelaide. A brilliant trip. We caught up on the months since we had seen each other and then waffled a lot. Our intention had been to sleep on the train but we did very little of that.

I took lots of photos out the train window - some fantastic scenery but most of them have reflections in them and show the dirt on the windows. Anyway, although it is nowhere near my best photo for the day, this is the one I am most excited about - a mob of kangaroos were startled from their sleep by the train and took off across the paddock.

I took plenty more iconically Australian photos - mostly yellow, brown and gold paddocks bearing various gum trees. I love the starkness of them but we are bound to see many similar sights on our drive to Broken Hill in a few days, so I thought this should be my blip - a sight I'm not guaranteed to see again.

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