Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles


As my 4 year old daughter would say - "OMG"

I cannot believe I've done 3 years of blips. I never ever stick anything out. I admit I've been a bit lax about it recently with more iphone images appearing than I would like. But with some new kit for Christmas I want to play with, hopefully I'll get the oomph to get out with the camera more again.

I've been really rubbish about commenting - the time I used to spend on Blip commenting on others' shots has been removed this year. I got a job working from home managing an online community which I love and try not to let affect my time with the kids. This doesn't mean I don't appreciate all that I've learnt from looking at them and the feedback you've given me through your comments to me.

A special thanks to Andmoff's Andy for his constructive criticism, help and generally being lovely.

Thanks to every single one of you who have commented on and favourited my blips this year. My favourite blip would have to be Boom! and judging by the comments and hearts it got, I think it was yours too :)

Thanks All!

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