handmade christmas #1

what a great day we've had...the kids got up at 8.30am and loved all the presents santa had left for them. peggy's favourite present was her wee silver party shoes with a slight heel, beth's had to be her netbook and daisy is in love with her wee telly for her room. the prospect of being able to watch the mighty boosh from her bed is delighting her. after a huge build up to today, they've been ace and have so much great stuff. their wee faces when they see that santa has been is great.

loads if excitement when the rest of the family arrived, presents, food and booze everywhere!

after dinner, we exchanged the handmade gifts that we had had all year to make - it was brilliant, the effort that had gone in to it was fantastic and made the presents really special. I had so many photos of the kids and the handmade gifts I wanted to blip today - but here's my mammy with the stained glass panel I made her...I think she liked it.

merry christmas!

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