By ANDY597

Demolision Derby

Dad emailed this morning to say that he was reversing a car out a neighbours driveway and he hit a parked car belong to another neighbour.

I would normally take the michael out of him for such an incident, however I don't think that I am in a position to criticise considering that I did almost the very same thing less than a week previously.

It's strange really, but dad taught me to reverse park my first ever car ( a mini), between a concrete block and a skip.

Plus the fact, as a mechanic and a mechanics son, we were always shuffling cars in and out of tight driveways, up metal ramps etc.

So I find it weird, that within a week of each other we both have very similar accidents, perhaps blindness and lack of concentration run in the family and our pyhscic connection must have a time lag and he was coming out in a sympathy crash.

On a brighter note Eric has bought an old BMW but I have yet to see this, it could be that Eric is a reversing jinx and has hexed dad and I in some fashion that we are now incapable of spacial awareness.

Completely changing the subject, Cheryl at works tells a story today that when she was young, she asked her mum who invented the mortice lock, and went to school thinking that it was Rigor Mortice.

It reminds me of the time that Lauren went to school with the answers to her holy communion questions:

Q: What does the bread represent?
A: The body of Christ
Teacher: Well done

Q: What does the wine represent?
A: The blood of Christ
Teacher: Well done

Q: And what does that really mean Lauren?
A: It's about four thousand years until the first Mcdonalds open Miss.
Teacher: Bus fair home.

Mental note to oneself, you must not send your child to school with comedy answers, especially ones that could be mis received as blasphemy.

Other than those little gems, a quiet night in front of the telly, looking forward to just half a day at work tommorrow and its off for a few days.

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