The adventures of L & B

By smw800

Home For The Holidays

I feel as though I am back in college with all of my important belongings packed and sitting outside waiting to be picked up by my parents. I don't have to pile my things outside, but waiting has never come easy to me and I am always anxious to get on the road and moving! A few key things that made the trip this year include: my first fruit cake that Nancy helped me make for Dad, a bottle of Rum for the fruit cake wrappings, a hat/scarf/gloves set that the Fraziers gave me for Christmas this year, and the poinsettia that I buy annually from the MHS wrestling team.

I am entering this holiday season with a heavy heart and a wish for Will to be healthy soon. Cancer is never something that is easy to face and I definitely didn't expect to deal with it in a spouse at 30. I know that things will turn out fine eventually, but it still stinks and has put a small cloud over the 2011 holidays.

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