Off Centre

By RachelCarter

'About these earrings ...'

'I thought I was special. You said you loved me.
But you've bought everyone else the same earrings as me.'

'And I'm not even sure they're gold.'

'I think you got them out of a cracker.'


Went for walk just before dark.
Tried to photograph some jet black bullocks.
They were very cute and very nosey.

Photographing jet black bullocks in low light is a stupid idea, it would seem.

So is trying to cut your daughter's fringe when she's been swimming and her hair has dried away from her face.

I do have stupid ideas sometimes.
But it means the good ideas, when they come, are really special and make me extra happy.
You know...? When I have a good idea...?
Like that time...
What was it now...?

I'm sure I did once...

I did lots of washing, lots of shopping-putting-away and lots of wrapping today.

Now it's time for lots of eating and drinking.

Now that's a good idea!

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