
Mothers last exercise class for the year. Took the canine for a walk around the Oval and checked out a couple of possibilities for Christmas presents - heart not really in it - before picking Mother up and cruised out to St.Clair for a coffee at our favourite cafe there. I had a green tea as I am still very much hog tied by the lurgy and do not need the added mucous...too much information??!!!

Supposed to meet up with my niece, her husband and their first born but they never showed so after gazing over the wall of the new pool into the shallow depths of the original pool for a while and wishing for an Orca or a Southern W/Right or a seal or two to appear we drove home.

Niece et al turned up an hour later and a pleasant hour or so was spent in the backyard watching junior enjoy playing on the grass. He had a very happy time tipping the pegs out and trying to feed them to a very unappreciative canine !!

Finally got to have a nana-nap before preparing the evening meal, preparing this image taken at St.Clair for blipping then had to collapse again in bed.

So much for WaveAction...

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