
By AprilJane

The K-Man

We went to see Keith (who I never call 'The K-Man', but would secretly like to) this afternoon, to take our presents, and Mums, the crackers and the Christmas Pudding over in preparation for Christmas Day.

Listened to the children's music on the way. I got tearful at Jessie J singing 'Who's Laughing Now?', I am such a drip. Was crying openly by the time Lady Gaga came on singing 'Born This Way'. I love that song. Was quite good though, as a fly had flown in my eye when I was leaving Mums, so at least it got that out.

In the morning, he texted me saying he was going to the supermarket, and I replied asking him to get me 500g of lamb mince, a bag of potatoes and some lasagne sheets. Not only did he very kindly do this but he bought Maris Pipers and posh lasagne rather than the Basics I would have chosen. He is a class act. Sadly I left it all there and Keith had to call me to get me to go back for it.

Really looking forward to Christmas. Tried to do too much this afternoon, resulting in me having a mini-meltdown at about 5pm and shouting at Betsy whose only crime was to wander into the kitchen. Luckily she didn't get too upset, accepted my apology and then started helping me. She is such a star and kept her head when I became tearful at the challenge presented by getting what seemed like 8 miles of train track and 100 trains off Al's bedroom floor and into just two toy buckets.

Have cooked like a lunatic, filled the freezer, washed and ironed everything in sight, changed all the sheets, wrapped a load of presents, delivered presents to four locations and done a huge pile of ironing. This is because after Friday, I plan to do absolutely none of that again for at least a week.

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