On track
A lie in, some shopping, and a walk. Not exactly a strenuous day. The walk had an inauspicious start, behind our local tip, and an uncomfortable section for me walking along the old railway cinder track in a pair of smart shoes (in all the fuss of getting the kids suitably attired, include a list of predictably lost hats, gloves and boots, I had forgotten to change out of my smart shoes and 'best' trousers). Once we got off the railway my soles could recover a bit from the sharp stones and we wandered alongside a water meadow - not what you expect in Methil. Just after Mr B had commented on the lack of wildlife we saw a cormorant, two huge white tailed deer, a buzzard and a heron in quick succession.
Although Mr B is busy with a few DIY tasks, this week is proving to be a relaxing (if chilly) introduction to the festive season.
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