Fish supper
Edit: this is a backblip...
Back in the unheated house. A busy day - with the morning filled with frenetic packing for the trip(s), including a few journeys back to the house for forgotten items and a stop in the supermarket for a few more food items for the ski trip (ok, for some beer). Off to the airport and the first of two flights since we were, for reasons best known to Mr B, going via Bristol. That Mr B wasn't even on the journey with us and was, instead, taking a rather leisurely flight from London to Edinburgh was a bit irritating, particularly with me feeling poorly (etc etc etc....) But the flights were ok and my panic at not making the connection was unfounded.
As well as not flying with us, Mr B was not coming with us to Fife - seeing as he had a night out with friends in Edinburgh and would be sleeping in a super-warm rather fancy hotel. So I piled everything into the rented car and headed through the appalling weather out across the river and into Fife. Unfamiliarity with the car, the painkillers wearing off and the terrible weather made for a slow journey. At one point I was overtaken by a bus... But finally we made it back home and headed straight out on foot for fish and chips. The journey there and back was interesting - down the main street with hordes of folk out celebrating noisily and with some very choice language. In the chip shop the lady was asking the kids what they wanted for Christmas and I realised that I needn't have worried about the kids picking up bad language out on the street - since they couldn't understand a word the woman was saying (I don't find the local accent that hard to understand).
Back to scoff the fish and chips with a rather nice bottle to accompany dinner (it was the only bottle of wine in the house). Then all three of us piled into the same bed with all the hot water bottles and duvets we could find for a much needed night's sleep.
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