As I leave our house I have a decision to make, left along the main road or right and up and over the hills to work. This morning there was a pink tinge in the sky so I went right. It was lucky I did, and stopped in the farmer's lane as there were no further blipportunities today.

I received today a Christmas card and letter from J, who I met on the first day at "big school" when we both decided to sit in the back row of the classroom. Today I managed to write my letter to her to enclose with a Christmas card and posted it first class J, honest, it's in the post! But I had forgotten that somewhere along the way I had mentioned Blip to her, and was pleasantly surprised to find that she had been following my somewhat idiotic and whimsical journal. So Hi J, hope you enjoy keeping in touch with my daily drivel, and if you've got a camera ......... join in! Would love to see Barry on here!

Though I know what you mean about "you spend too much time on that computer"; the sighing and huffing has started here already.

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