The Onlookers

There was great activity off the South Beach this morning. The fish were running, herring most likely and they were being eagerly hunted. The fishermen were there of course, trawling up and down the offshore area. These were pursued by a host of hungry and quarrelsome seagulls, fighting and arguing over their breakfast and for the first time ever I saw at least 5 seals serenely wending their way through the shoal and breaking off their feasting every few minutes to take a look at what was going on around them. There were even a few diving cormorants getting in on the act.
Here, the fishing boat makes a turn around at the end of its run, ready to make another trawl in the opposite direction. The seals look like they were a bit put out by its coming so close to them. There was an audience of 20 of so people watching the spectacle but I was the only one with a camera. Yippee!

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