Where's Katie...

... there she is!

2years 59days

Katie woke this morning and was playing happily. After not being up very long, she declared that she was going swimming. She was pretty insistent for quite a while that she needed to go swimming. So she wasnt massively amused when I took her to nursery instead (Monday's are her nursery morning through the Christmas break as I'm off until February so thought she should continue with some routine). But when I arrived back, she had wet red paint and glitter over her hands, clothes, arms, face, then so did I. She'd been a very happy little lady the whole time.

I did this morning promise that I would take her swimming after nursery, and that we did. She had a total ball. We arrived as a lesson was ending, so she got a bit of time to see her teacher, to her delight. There was then one other family and us in the pool. They shortly cleared off, and it was a lifeguard I chat to quite often watching us. So I asked if since the pool was empty I could take some photos. The leisure centre manager was called in and he said yes. I got some great smiles! But I loved this pair as hiding herself under the water to say boo after is one of her favourite games.

When I got her changed she wanted to go "get some eat" so it was teacake time in the cafe, where she decided she needed a highchair, and stayed sat in it for the whole time. We stopped in the shop for a few bits and saw 5 different sets of friends, so were there for about an hour. She was pleased that these people did also include Cousin2. She's now playing sat beside the Christmas tree, having asked for its light on, as she always does when she walks in.

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