A confused genius

By Lez11


After a boring start to the night last night due to every man in worcester trying to pull the girls I was out with, everything got a lot better. We got in a club about 1am and all I can remember is that I danced and drunk until 4am we left the club. Well I thought I was dancing but realistically I was probably just shaking because of all the alcohol I consumed.

After the club I went and got a pizza then headed back to hotel were we was staying. On the way back I had a great idea to climb on top of a Phone box and plank. I know that its not big or clever but it's really enjoyable. It's amazing how lying face down, arms by your side like a plank can be so much fun. There should be some kind of group set up for plankers like there is for alcoholics, (AA), because it is like a drug, addictive. I can confirm that have been clean of planking for 15 hours.

A friend gave me a present today, a massive map of the world, (pic). It is so I can mark were I have traveled to in the world and then plan my next trip. It's an amazing present and I'm going to build a frame for it to put on my wall.

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