Budapest Day 4

Our meal last night was memorable, leaving us all a bit fragile this morning: too many courses and too much wine. Nevertheless, it set us on a happy countdown to Christmas.

The carol party turned out not to be a carol party but a magnificent rendition of Lizst's Coronation Mass, in St Stephen's Basilica, the most impressive Cathedral in the heart of Pest.

If there was one complaint, it was the fact that the organ and choir were behind us on a gallery, so we couldn't see them.
However, the frescos and elaborate gilding in front of us were beautiful to look at as the music soared throughout the vast space.

A tumbler of mulled wine outside in the cold finished the evening perfectly.

This morning, his Lordship and I walked along Andrassy Ut to Hero Square, passing en route the 'House of Terror' where the Stasi tortured their prisoners in the uprising of 1958.
Behind Hero Square we found a huge outdoor skating rink, which made our one in Princes Street Gardens look like a toy one.

All we have to do now is say goodbye to David and Larissa and get ourselves to the airport.

It's been a wonderful pre Christmas break.

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