tiger face...
...on my princess diva
who was being especially gracious today - and didn't put up any fuss at all with having her picture taken... i know! i was surprised as well... however, to her credit she is very sensitive - even in her diva-ness - to my physical struggles of not being well... so didn't want to cause me undue stress...
i also believe it tends to be the case with animals in general - they are very sensitive creatures... have the ability to sense things - are in tune with their surroundings much more than we humans are... have that innate capability per se - we experience it every now and then and think to ourselves "wow that was something" ... imagine like the animal, if we tapped into it all the time... taking advantage of what was available naturally to our senses and that which is around us... might we be better able to serve each other in a more profound manner? a thought - especially during this time when we are so focused on giving presents to each other - what kind of present would that make? certainly, it would be cause for...
happy day.....
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