Budapest Day 2

And lo and behold, the day dawned sunny and dry, just as we had wished.
We breakfasted in a bar suggestive of Italy before taking the funicular railway up to the Castle area where we strolled about with half the population of Italy and Japan.
The views from on top were worth the trouble of dodging the hordes.
I don't think we expected such a large area with such amazing vantage points for seeing an 180 degree vista over Pest.

A snack lunch and another walk through the Christmas markets at St Stephen's basilica and Vorosmarty Square.
It was cold but the tables were filled with people tucking into hot meals and mulled wine.

Our mulled wine will wait until we meet Mr and Mrs. D77 this evening for a meal.

Meanwhile I predict a struggle to get a connection to post this.
But you never know, it may surprise me. Here's hoping.

Ps I'm correct about the struggle.

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