Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


OK- today I did venture in to the shopping center that I blipped yesterday from afar. The lights are really magical close up too (after dark that is). I do love all the lights in this city at night, even tho it's not too environmentally popular. This is the line to see Santa - the adults outnumber the kids 5 to 1.

The day started out over 40F with flat water so H and I managed a very fine row in fine mist. Got a closeup look at the many hundreds of ducks in a flock - they are mixed but most really are American Wigeons (I used to think these in this number were Coots. not so.) Then some PT (Physical Therapy) - to mostly work on balance so I don't fall and break something bad - ha - they think they are going to teach this old body new tricks...
And this afternoon to the Apple store for an hour to continue the saga of sorting out my zillions of photos in some sort of organized fashion - hence I was at the shopping center to also do some shopping. Had some fun pictures of funny people shopping but in the end the lights won out.

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