
By KirstyHalbert


Had an absolutely BRILLIANT day's skiing at Glenshee today; it was a bluebird day with not a breath of wind and mostly cloud-free skies. Snow was good, no long wait for the tows and I was quite pleased with how I got on for my first day back on the slopes in 8 months!

We arrived at 8.30 with the moon still brighter than the sun, and caught a quick picture of a black grouse weighing up one of the chairlifts. Skiied from 9.30 until 12.30, when I was forced back to the Cafe by tired muscles for some restorative macaroni cheese. Managed another few runs in the afternoon, even with shaky legs!

Absolutely shattered now; came home and started going through my photos and woke up 2 hours later... I think I'll sleep well tonight...

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