
By KirstyHalbert


I was inspired by JimJamJames' candle shot yesterday, so here's my copycat. I love candles and there's always a few burning in my living room.

Hard day at work today; I have a bit of a mental block when it comes to maths, and the calculations I was doing today gave me a cracking headache. I ended up staying at the office until 7pm and finally got my head around it; although if I never hear the words "CHARM" or "PLONAR" again, I won't be too upset.

I do absolutely love my job though, it's exactly the kind of thing I was aiming for as I got far enough into my degree to find out what I loved and what I was good at. Tomorrow I'm taking the day off to go skiing with a colleague and will make up the hours on Sunday. How lucky am I?

In other news:
Broken 3000 views now, so thanks Blippers!
Also, this time in a week I'll be 23. That's a rubbish age.

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